======= HistMST ======= .. class:: HistMST() A class for binning the default MST statistics which are then stored in a dictionary. .. function:: setup([uselog=False, use_sqrt_s=True, usenorm=True, d_min=0.5, d_max=6.5, num_d_bins=6, l_min=0., l_max=None, num_l_bins=100, b_min=0., b_max=None, num_b_bins=100, s_min=0., s_max=1., num_s_bins=50, logl_min=None, logl_max=None, logb_min=None, logb_max=None]) Setups bin sizes for the MST statistics. :param uselog: Determines whether to use log bins for l and b. :type uselog: bool :param use_sqrt_s: Determines whether to use the sqrt(1-s) projection of s or just s itself. :type use_sqrt_s: bool :param usenorm: Determines whether to normalise the histograms. :type usenorm: bool :param d_min: Minimum for degree bins (use half integer values). :type d_min: float :param d_max: Maximum for degree bins (use half integer values). :type d_max: float :param num_d_bins: Number of bins for the distribution of degree, this should be equal to d_max - d_min. :type num_d_bins: int :param l_min: Minimum for edge length bins. :type l_min: float :param l_max: Maximum for edge length bins. :type l_max: float :param num_l_bins: Number of bins for the distribution of edge lengths. :type num_l_bins: int :param b_min: Minimum for branch length bins. :type b_min: float :param b_max: Maximum for branch length bins. :type b_max: float :param num_b_bins: Number of bins for the distribution of branch lengths. :type num_b_bins: int :param s_min: Minimum for branch shape bins. :type s_min: float :param s_max: Maximum for branch shape bins. :type s_max: float :param num_s_bins: Number of bins for the distribution of branch shapes. :type num_s_bins: int :param logl_min: Minimum of edge lengths in log to base 10. :type logl_min: float :param logl_max: Maximum of edge lengths in log to base 10. :type logl_max: float :param logb_min: Minimum of branch lengths in log to base 10. :type logb_min: float :param logb_max: Maximum of branch lengths in log to base 10. :type logb_max: float .. function:: get_hist(d, l, b, s) Bins the MST distribution which is returned as a dictionary. :param d: Distribution of degree. :type d: array :param l: Distribution of edge length. :type l: array :param b: Distribution of branch length. :type b: array :param s: Distribution of branch shape. :type s: array :returns: **mst_hist** *(dict)*: Dictionary of MST binned histograms. .. function:: start_group() Begins group mode for calculating the mean and standard deviation of the MST from different realisations of data points coming from the same model. .. function:: end_group() Ends group mode for calculating the mean and standard deviation of the MST. :returns: **mst_hist** *(dict)*: Dictionary of the mean and standard deviation of the MST binned histograms. .. function:: clean() Resets HistMST variables.